Red state

10 Percent of American Workers’ Jobs Vulnerable to AI Takeover – RedState

The words “intelligence” and “White House” aren’t terms we use in the same sentence much lately, but today it’s necessary, as the Biden administration’s annual Economic Report of the President includes an entire section on artificial intelligence (AI) and the possibility of Americans losing their jobs because of an AI takeover.

The White House released a report Thursday that found roughly 10% of the U.S. workforce is in occupations with a high degree of exposure to artificial intelligence (AI) with lower performance requirements that could leave them more vulnerable to displacement.

According to the report, 20% of American workers are in occupations that have a high level of exposure to AI. About half of them — or 10% of the U.S. workforce — are not only highly exposed to AI but have relatively low performance requirements that could result in their displacement due to…

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