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$190B in Federal School Aid Haven’t Stemmed Test Score Slide

DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION—Student test scores are continuing to fall four years after schools moved online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a study released Tuesday by testing company Northwest Evaluation Association.

The study found that gaps in academic performance between today’s students and their pre-pandemic counterparts are widening, despite the record $190 billion in federal aid distributed to schools since the pandemic began.

The findings—which were divulged from an analysis of test results from the 2023-24 school year for approximately 7.7 million students between the third and eighth grades—also come two years after experts had claimed a recovery in education was underway. 

“At the end of 2021-22, we optimistically concluded that the worst was behind us and that recovery had begun,” wrote the study’s authors, Karyn Lewis and…

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