News Busters

$2 Billion Federal Abortion Funding During Pandemic Outrage

While the nation was struggling to go to work and keep businesses open, managing restriction after restriction, the government was secretly dishing out billions to fund more and more abortions. 

According to a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), abortion providers received nearly $2 billion in federal funds between fiscal year 2019 to fiscal year 2021, right at the height of the Coronavirus pandemic, Newsmax reported Tuesday.

During the time, Planned Parenthood received $1.78 billion, the International Planned Parenthood received $2.03 million, the MSI Reproductive Choices received $1.35 million and “four domestic regional abortion providers received $107.74 million,” Newsmax indicated.

That’s a hell of a lot of money to fund more death when at the time, people were dying all over the world from Covid. 

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