Red state

20 Years Ago, RedState Was Brand New…and I Was a Liberal

Unlike our Managing Editor Emeritus, streiff, I have not been with RedState since its inception. In fact, when RedState first opened its doors in July of 2004, I was still a liberal Democrat — though not for long. (I voted in the Democratic presidential and congressional primaries that year…and then voted for Republican George W. Bush in the general election, so there’s a fairly clear line of demarcation. I’ve detailed my conversion to conservatism previously, so won’t rehash that here.) 

I can’t pinpoint when I began reading RedState, though my best guestimate would be in/around 2011, as I got to know others in the conservative blogosphere via Twitter and attending my first political conference (Smart Girl Summit in St. Louis). From that point on, I was a fairly regular reader, though it took me a while to work up the courage to sign up for a diary. And then, once I did, I…

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