Red state

2022 Amateurish Iranian CGI Video Portrays Attack on… Donald Trump! – RedState

Iran, while remaining the world’s number one state sponsor of Islamic terrorism, has other distinctions. One of those is the habit of their mouths writing checks their butts can’t cash.

In one such, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) has found a 2022 video posted to the Ayatollah’s website, portraying a (hypothetical) attack on former president Donald Trump. The video is amateurish, resembling nothing so much as a computer game from about 1997, although it does imply a quasi-military operation aimed at the former president – presumably, according to several images and the hacked text message sent out by the operators, in revenge for Trump’s ordering the un-aliving of Qasem Soleimani

This is pretty clearly a propaganda video intended for the Iranian people.

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