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3 Questions CNN Hosts Should Ask Biden at Debate

CNN has been paying the market price for its unwavering leftist media bias. Recent reports indicate the cable network is trying to reform itself—to become a more nonpartisan, reliable news organization.

Anyone who’s sane, sober, and informed knows that Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are going to be loaded with tough questions for former President Donald Trump. Based on their past behavior, they are going to throw everything, including the kitchen sink, at him.

I say fine—do it, so long as it’s based on demonstrable evidence, and not on surveys or conjecture or rumor. But if Tapper and Bash are sincere about proving CNN is acting without partisan bias, they should also ask some serious questions of President Joe Biden.

 Here are three of those questions: 

1) Why are you the No. 1 global financial enabler of the Iranian terrorist regime?

Iran played a…

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