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45 Becomes 47 – but It’s Two Young Trumps Who Grab the Spotlight on Inauguration Eve – RedState

There is a plethora of news this Monday evening as a triumphant Donald Trump returns to the presidency after four years of a disastrous Joe Biden regime that brought so much pain and divisiveness to this nation.

As we’ve reported, the PRESIDENT—oh, I love finally being able to type that after months of “president-elect”—has been busy giving speeches, signing executive orders, answering questions from the media—basically acting like a commander-in-chief and not hiding in his basement like the FORMER president, Joe Biden.

But while Donald is rightfully taking the majority of the headlines and the media focus, two young Trumps are also getting plenty of notice—the president’s son Barron and his granddaughter Kai.

Kai, you’ll remember, charmed the nation with her speech at the Republican National Convention in July:

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