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Colorado Cakeshop Case Is A Win For Artists Of All Stripes

This is the fifth in a series of articles from Alliance Defending Freedom on the state of free speech in America today. October 21 to 27 is National Free Speech Week.

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For more than a decade now, activists and government officials have been threatening to separate something indivisible: artistic expression from the artists who create it.

These relentless threats to artistic freedom have been grounded on the idea that artists, whatever their chosen milieu, can be compelled to express messages that violate their personal beliefs. Those who refuse to do so — no matter how courteous, kind, compassionate, or respectful they are to those demanding their expression — are regarded by those activists and officials as fair game to haul in to court for judgment.

This coercion forces artists to create deeply personal works based on an ideologically prescribed script — or else.

Or else ……

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