News Busters

NBC’s ‘Law & Order’ Portrays Pro-lifers as Terrorist Bombers

Last night, NBC’s Law & Order portrayed pro-lifers as terrorist bombers who target IVF (in-vitro fertilization) practitioners.

In the episode, “The Meaning of Life,” on Thursday, an IVF doctor named Sarah Heartwood (Erica Sweany) is left in an irreversible coma after receiving a bomb-laden package.

Heartwood’s husband is a well-known atheist author. Law enforcement initially suspects the bomber is a Muslim plumber who attacked her husband at a book lecture. When the plumber provides an alibi, NYPD next arrests a black man who delivered the package. Of course, neither the Muslim nor the black man are the killer. The real killer turns out to be a “random white guy,” in the words of one of the detectives. Surprise!

The black man who delivered the package tells Detectives Jalen Shaw (Mehcad Brooks) and Vincent Riley (Reid Scott) that a white guy paid him to drop…

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