News Busters

PBS Talk Show Discusses Poll on Fascism Allegations in Presidential Race

In the latest turn in the circle of symbiosis, Amanpour & Co., which airs on PBS, invited PBS’s Washington Week host and Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg to discuss his anonymously sourced hit piece, which dropped two weeks before the presidential election, alleging Donald Trump envied Adolf Hitler’s generals.

Goldberg added a soupcon of condescension toward his fellow Americans, who apparently don’t know that the word “fascism” means “Trump, not “Harris.” It’s so easy for the Left to take nationalism and protectionism and “xenophobia” and find Hitler and/or Mussolini. 

Guest host Bianna Golodryga, who was supportive of Goldberg’s efforts, cited the “Who’s More of a Fascist?” poll findings with an air of disbelief.

BIANNA GOLODGRYGA: I’m just relaying to you what I’m sure you’ve heard as well, a lot of pushback to this piece from…

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