Hot Air

Hezbollah Collapsing As Desertions Skyrocket – HotAir

So much for Iran’s encirclement strategy in the Middle East, if these reports turn out to be accurate. Not only did Iran lose much of its advanced air defenses in the Israeli strike over the weekend, their forward proxy army may collapse soon as its terror troops head for Syria. Arabic media report mass Hezbollah desertions in the face of a determined IDF ground campaign, and nearly no effective communications between command and field units:

After over a year of launching aerial attacks against northern Israel, Hezbollah has reportedly begun to crack as the Iran-backed terror group has experienced a wave of desertions, sources told the Arabic independent online newspaper Elaph in a report published Sunday. …

Those defecting, according to the source, are not reporting when summoned by senior terrorists and not waiting in their assigned locations. Other…

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