We’ve been kicking around a lot of pixels over the election, and as it grows nigh, there have been many discussions about what happens next – especially if Donald Trump wins. In 2016, there were protests. 2020’s “Summer of Love” riots, looting, arson, and yes, insurrection were another step towards establishing violence as an acceptable form of political discourse for the left. And yes, I said insurrection – not like the January 6th kerfuffle, which was, at most, hooliganism, but the actual takeover of a portion of an American city by an armed mob in defiance of established civil authority. That happened.
See Related: Summer of Love: CHAZ Responsible for 525% Spike in Seattle Crime
Seattle Newspaper Praised ‘CHAZ’ for Its ‘Sidewalk Chalk and Gardening’; They’re Getting Called out
Now an editorial at Issues & Insights, one of my favorite opinion sites, is…