In its first year, Mayflower Cigars stormed the industry in ways experts had never seen before as Michael Knowles’ cigar endeavor proved not just to be a successful business venture, but a new movement of appreciation for premium cigars.
The success was never in doubt. Mayflower Cigars launched on November 9, 2023, and within the first 36 hours, it sold four months’ worth of inventory. But the movement of customers flocking to Mayflower’s site months later to purchase the cigars again proved that Knowles’ vitolas weren’t just popular — they had an enduring quality that left a mark on enthusiasts and first-timers alike.
In year one, Mayflower Cigars sold over 285,000 cigars, bringing in over $3.6 million in revenue. The sales weren’t only from its massive launch. Mayflower Cigars customers continued to buy Dawn and Dusk vitolas throughout the year, and the brand shows…