Back in July, the saga of the Vineyard Wind blade began. Manufactured by GE in Gaspé, Quebec, the massive 350 ft blades were being installed on the first turbines for the enormous project just offshore from Nantucket Island in Massachusetts.
Most everyone, including islanders, was “Yay! Clean green energy!” happily swallowing the developer’s assurances that everything would always be hunky dory with the project, and, even if the unthinkable happened, why they’d signed a “good neighbor” piece of paper with the town that said clean-up was on them.
If only fairytales came true, no?
In the real world, things happen, and developers’ promises don’t mean squat once they’ve gotten what they want as far as permission to proceed.
Which is what not only Nantucket, but surrounding beaches and states are coming to find out after the failure of the brand new GE Vernova…