Joe Biden announced he was granting his son a pardon on Sunday that would cover anything he did that might qualify as a federal crime for the last 11 years — from Jan. 1, 2014, to Dec. 1, 2024.
In some measure, it tells you in Biden’s mind that he had something to be concerned about beyond the crimes that Hunter pled guilty to or was convicted of. Not to mention, it wasn’t just about Hunter; Joe was likely hoping it ended the inquiry into the allegations that could involve him. That’s what made the pardon doubly disturbing.
On top of that, Joe Biden dropped the news on a holiday weekend, right before he was flying out of the country, likely hoping to get as little attention as possible. I think he failed at that. Then also, they wouldn’t have to answer up and justify his action publicly before the whole White House press corps at a Monday briefing at the…