Red state

The Truth Regarding Retail During the Holidays – RedState

In my professional career, I’ve done time … er, spent time in both the retail and corporate worlds. Presently, I’m back in retail. Thank you for your sympathy, and please note that nothing in this post is being said on behalf of, or in any fashion, is an official or even unofficial representation of, my employer.

As you’ve doubtless noted, ‘tis the season to buy presents. Now that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are firmly in our rear view mirror, a few thoughts on both from the other side of the cash register.

Not to boast or anything — in the immortal words of Babe Ruth, ain’t braggin’ if you can back it up — I was once part of a management duo that did such a good job our store hit its sales goal for the year before Black Friday. The company rewarded our efforts by going out of business a year later, thus bringing even further depth of…

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