News Busters

MRC President Brent Bozell Warns of Blumenthal’s ‘Trojan Horse’ for Censorship

Left: Sen. Richard Blumenthal; Right: MRC President Brent Bozell The leader of the Media Research Center issued a warning to Congress about a “Trojan horse for the left’s agenda.”

In a statement posted today on X, MRC founder and president Brent Bozell cautioned Congress not to pass the new version of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) introduced by Sen.Richard Blumenthal (D-CT). Bozell instead advised Congress to either enact the House of Representatives’ version of KOSA, which protects First Amendment liberties, or to wait to reform Big Tech until the new year.

Bozell explained: “Months ago, the House Energy & Commerce Committee passed a version of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) that both protected First Amendment rights and ensured the safety of our children. … Disturbingly, instead of embracing the House’s leadership on this issue, Senator Richard Blumenthal released an entirely different version of…

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