News Busters

PBS Mourns Wray ‘Allowed’ Trump ‘To Shatter Yet Another Norm’

The cast of Friday’s PBS News Hour was displeased with FBI Director Christopher Wray for resigning before Donald Trump could fire him because “he allowed Donald Trump to shatter yet another norm without imposing any cost.” Throughout the entire discussion, there was no thought given to the idea that there is something about the FBI that needs fixing.

Host Amna Nawaz was among those not happy with Wray. After playing a clip of his speech where he claimed resigning was the best thing for the bureau, Nawaz asked New York Times columnist David Brooks, “David, how does leaving early in a 10-year term to avoid the incoming president firing you, how does that keep the bureau out of the political fray?”

Brooks replied, “Beats me. Somebody said he had — Wray had no good options and he happened to choose the wrong one, the worst of all the options.”