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What Nonbelievers Assume About Pro-Trump Evangelicals

There’s no doubt that President-elect Donald Trump’s victories at the polls are fueled by a stalwart base of support from evangelical Christians.

But what many non-Trump voters don’t realize is that American evangelicals don’t fit the stereotypes projected or assumed by many non-evangelicals. Sadly, this causes mistrust, and even disdain, that isn’t warranted and contributes to the polarized division in America.

Religion is a major cultural divide exacerbating Left and Right polarization.

A whopping 69% of atheists said they identify as Democrats, but only 15% identify as Republicans and 17% as independents, according to Pew Research Center

Pew also found that atheists are disproportionately white, which could help explain the growing cultural divide between more educated white Democrats and more socially conservative, working-class, nonwhite…

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