Red state

Biden Slips in Even More Vacation, Raising Ethical Questions – RedState

We’re counting down the days until Joe Biden and his wife/handler Jill finally have to leave the White House. 

But they seem to be intent upon milking every last bit they can before they are out the door. He’s no longer “working” after January 20, but how much has he actually “worked” since the election? 

His time seems to have been full of vacation. There’s his time in Delaware, plus he also took his regular trip to Nantucket over Thanksgiving. Jill snuck in a trip to Italy and France earlier this month. Joe is planning on visiting the Pope next month before he leaves.  

Then, on Thursday, he took off for St. Croix until New Year’s with Jill and his daughter Ashley. You know what he told reporters was his “resolution” when he was there last year? It wasn’t to get the American hostages back from Hamas or cure inflation, but to go back to St. Croix this…

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