In the waning days of a crumbling presidency that never really was, President Joe Biden—or whatever Biden-like facsimile is signing official documents these days—decided to finish out his term with one final blast of outrageous, yet cynical, wokery.
Biden wasn’t content just to pardon his deadbeat son, Hunter, or hand out executive clemencies to more than 1,500 other criminals. No, he had to give mass commutations to inmates on federal death row: 37 to be exact.
That represents another bit of whiplash from Democrats over the past four years. They’ve gone from the party of “defund the police” to the party of “the rule of law” (supposedly) to the party the party of mass jailbreaking and bailouts for murderers.
It seems like the only people those on the Left want incarcerated are their political opponents. That’s only principled if your principles are…