Red state

The Press Are Astonished Biden’s Senility Was ‘Under-Reported,’ As the Hot Dog Man Meme Comes to Life – RedState

One of the toughest parts of being a political commentator is trying to figure out whether the people I’m critiquing truly lack any and all self-awareness or if they are just dishonest hacks, willing to go to absurd lengths to gaslight Americans. Unfortunately, it’s typically the latter, and that’s the assumption I’m forced to make about Sunday’s “Face the Nation” roundtable.

During a segment in which the year’s most “under-reported” stories are discussed, Jan Crawford spoke up to state the obvious about President Joe Biden’s long-standing senility.

GARRETT: One of the things we also do in the year-end correspondent’s roundtable is dig into what was undercovered or what was under-reported. Jan? 

CRAWFORD: Under-covered and under-reported. That would be Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline that became undeniable in the televised debate. 

GARRETT: At the…

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