Daily wire

Why Mike Johnson Must Do What He Has To Do

Two major issues are going to come up in the Congress of the United States this year because Republicans do not actually have a supermajority in the Senate, which means they have to use a process that is called reconciliation. 

Reconciliation can only be used on budgetary bills and matters, which means it can only be used once, or possibly twice at the most, inside of a year.

The big question for Republicans in the House and the Senate is whether they are going to create two bills and vote on them separately over the course of the year.

One is going to be a border bill that’s going to attempt to increase border security and complete the building of the border wall, to change the law where necessary in order to make it easier to deport illegal immigrants. That would be bill number one.

Bill number two would be making the 2017 Trump tax cuts permanent.

There are basically two possible…

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