News Busters

‘Why Is My Face All Over CNN?’ Navy Vet’s Emotional Defamation Trial Testimony

PANAMA CITY, FL — U.S. Navy veteran and Plaintiff Zachary Young continued his testimony Wednesday in the $1 billion defamation trial against CNN. The morning’s testimony featured the jurors being shown fairly damaging messages between Young and CNN reporters Katie Bo Lillis and Alex Marquardt. The messages showed Young was lied to about the nature of CNN’s reporting and Young warning them what they were about to air on TV was factually inaccurate. They jurors looked on intently and were taking copious notes.

The jury was first shown how Lillis made contact with Young under the false pretenses that she was doing background research on the situation in Afghanistan. “Please let me know if I can assist with any Afghan evac requirements,” he told her. “Is CNN involved with rescue efforts…” he asked wondering if they wanted to sponsor an evacuation.


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