I have to admit, I was expecting the knives to come out, but not like this.
Not fifteen minutes ago – so that would be about 8 Central – I was watching a Jake Tapper interview with Kristen Crowley, the LAFD Fire Chief.
She was being flat-out honest about the shortages they’ve worked under…
…and I found myself sympathizing with her. I didn’t see it as ‘eating each other alive’ anymore, especially as I’d watched her earlier interview with a local news station. The reporter had pressed the chief right out of the gate, ‘Did they fail you?’ referring to the massive budget cuts that her department has been laboring under. The water that was supposed to be in the hydrants.
And the chief, to her credit, says ‘yes.’
That ‘yes’ got her fired by Mayor Karen ‘I Love Ghana in the Winter‘ Bass shortly thereafter.
YHGTBFKM Then again, I am not surprised.