Hot Air

Defamation Trial Not Going Well for CNN – HotAir

Have you heard about this case? A US veteran named Zachary Young is suing CNN for defamation over a 2021 news segment which he claims ruined his reputation and made it impossible for him to get new business.

The Young case concerns a segment that first aired on Jake Tapper’s program on Nov. 11, 2021, about extraction efforts in Afghanistan. Young had built a business helping such efforts, and advertised his services on LinkedIn to sponsors with funding who could pay for such evacuation.

He subsequently helped four separate organizations — Audible, Bloomberg, a charity called H.E.R.O. Inc. and a Berlin-based NGO called CivilFleet Support eV — get more than a dozen people out of Afghanistan, according to court papers. He said he did not market to — or take money from — individual Afghans.

Yet Young’s picture was shown as part of CNN story that…

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