Don’t you love it when a government believes it has a magic word wand that makes everything bedeviling them – and outraging the people they lord it – over go away?
Here in the States, the Democrats tried it with “misinformation.” They slap that sucker on every opinion expressed and piece of factual information that is contrary to the BS they’re spoonfeeding – or ins some cases outright shoveling – through their official orifices and media toadies, all designed to lead the population like sheep to the paddock.
When informed, equally qualified, and often eminently distinguished voices are raised who offer conflicting opinions to the government line, they are drowned by a chorus of ‘denier,’ ‘skeptic,’ and labeled as purveyors of [CUE: doom music, sonorous, echo enhanced voice] ‘MISINFORMATION.’
Fortunately, as we have regained much of our senses here in the…