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Democrats Aren’t Democracy’s Party

When Donald Trump is sworn in next week, America will have a president for the first time in four years.

The Joe Biden era hasn’t been a presidency but an interregnum, with seemingly no one in charge in Washington.

The sign on Harry Truman’s desk used to say, “The buck stops here.”

Where did it stop with Joe Biden in the Oval Office?

Voters never asked for an experiment in leaderless administration, but the party that put Biden in power gave them one anyway.

In the 21st century, Democrats are misnamed: They’re the less democratic of the two great parties, and their insider-dominated politics explains both how Biden wound up in a role for which he was unfit and why the candidate picked to replace him went on to lose every battleground state.

Kamala Harris had never won a presidential primary.

But the party’s mandarins first pushed her for vice…

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