News Busters

BRUTAL Defamation Juror Questions Give Insight Ahead of Deliberations

Panama City, FL — Something special about the judicial system in Florida is, baring objection of counsels and the court, jurors get to ask questions of the witnesses. These questions could be used to judge a jury’s temperament and possible mindset as a trial unfolds. In the case of the $1 billion defamation trial against CNN, on Wednesday, the tea leaves seem to indicate that they’re not looking to favorably on CNN just hours before they’re set to start deliberations.

The questions to CNN reporter Katie Bo Lillis (pictured above) pressed her on her treatment of Navy veteran and Plaintiff Zachary Young, and called into question her and CNN’s apparent thought that people were “obliged” to speak to CNN.

Noting that “for the record, there were no objections to the questions from counsel or the court,” Judge William Scott Henry of the 14th

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