Predictably, the prime time hosts at MSNBC oohed and aahed over President Joe Biden’s farewell address with a verve normally seen emanating from television production studios in Pyongyang. But in this case, they went above and beyond their customary cheerleading. They also worked hard to bolster the post-speech narrative of the perils of a Trump-adjacent oligarchy.
Never mind that Biden himself was yanked off the Democrat ballot at the current oligarchy’s request, and never mind that some of these Trump-supporting tech bros were Democrats until the other day (and may still be, in some cases). The Narrative demands that people ignore the evidence before their eyes and ears.
Thus we arrive at the MSNBC panel’s 30+ minute panel discussion of a 17-minute speech. Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow kick off the sycophancy:
MADDOW: “(Biden) decided not to brag…