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Why Do Conservative States Pay for DEI in Colleges?

No one is surprised that the cows in the Chik-fil-A ads advocate for eating more chicken. It would be shockingly irrational, however, if the chickens joined the campaign by paying the cows to carry their “Eat Mor Chikin” signs. Yet, this is exactly what Republican state legislators in 10 conservative states are doing when they devote several hundred million dollars each year to pay for diversity, equity, and inclusion required courses in their states’ public universities.

According to a new study by the Goldwater Institute, 30 states have public universities that require their students to take at least one course on “diversity, equity, and inclusion” to graduate. Ten of those states have Republican-controlled state legislatures, including Texas, Ohio, and North Carolina. It makes sense that state legislators in California or Massachusetts support having their…

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