Red state

World’s Most Annoying Anti-Trump Journalist Desperately Begs for Attention Before Inauguration – RedState

The race for the title of the “world’s most annoying anti-trump journalist” is highly competitive, to say the least. There’s the deranged Joy Reid and, well… pretty much anybody else at MSNBC. There are the harpies on ABC’s “The View,” who often go off on fact-free tirades against the president-elect, and there are columnists like Jennifer Rubin, recently departed from the Washington Post, whose delusional rants send a thrill up the legs of the “resistance” crowd.

But if there’s one guy who sits at the top, or at least near the top of the list, it’s CNN narcissist Jim Acosta. He loved to preen for the camera during press briefings in the first Trump term and loudly pepper him with obnoxious questions that were often just statements of his own personal opinion rather than actual queries.

Remember when he refused to let go of the…

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