Hot Air

Biden Clemency Spree Continues with 2500+ ‘Historic’ Commutations – HotAir

At least none of those receiving commutations were named Biden. Or so we think.

Joe Biden has less than three days now to conduct business as president, so his options for mischief have begun to narrow. The most obvious way to curry favor with the press is through clemency actions, although that backfired mightily with the 11-year-Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free pardon for Hunter. Today, Biden is sticking with nonviolent federal felons convicted of drug charges, a much safer area for clemency, politically speaking:

President Joe Biden announced Friday that he was commuting the sentences of almost 2,500 people convicted of nonviolent drug offenses, using his final days in office on a flurry of clemency actions meant to nullify prison terms he deemed too harsh.

The recent round of clemency gives Biden the presidential record for most individual pardons and commutations…

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