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Letting People Self-Identify Gender Raises Security Concerns

The social media site Twitter now “identifies” as “X.” A different kind of “X” now marks the spot where radical gender ideology has trumped national security under the Biden administration.

Over the past decade, encouraging people to be their “authentic selves” has left us with no clear and agreed upon terms for sex, gender, and so on. But in official matters, we still need a shared reality. Or let’s just call it “reality.”

As of April 2022, the State Department’s U.S. passport application was changed to include options for three “genders,” Male, Female, and X.

A year later, the Department of Homeland Security allowed applicants for immigration benefits “to mark their preferred gender identity without needing their other documentation to match.”

Unaccompanied minors caught entering the U.S. illegally are also allowed to self-identify

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