Hot Air

People Fleeing Dem-Controlled States May Be a Problem For Progs – HotAir

Fact check: True. And false in another way, or at least incomplete.

The Los Angeles Times may not have gotten to the Dem Demo Dystopia story first; we’ve covered it here from other sources, for instance. However, it takes on more significance in light of the distillation of progressive Democrat governance in the catastrophic wildfires in Los Angeles. People had already begun fleeing California in droves over the last few years, with the Golden State holding U-Haul’s top exit position for five years running

The LAT catches up to the political implications for progressives in this Great Migration, or better put, a national flight to sanity:

Texas and Florida are growing rapidly. California, Illinois and New York have been shrinking.

With America’s population shifting to the South, political influence is seeping from reliably Democratic states to areas…

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