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Uncomfortable Truths About Abortion Choices

As I prepare to go to the March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Friday, some questions linger in the back of my mind: Why is abortion even such a big political war? Why are we arguing over something where if one side is wrong they’re actually defending the murder of children? It seems indefensible to me.

But maybe that’s just it: Sometimes when the truth of something is just too horrible, we turn a blind eye to continue living in ignorant bliss.

I’m reminded of the Gospel of John where Jesus asks his debate opponents, the Pharisees, who reject what Jesus said time and time again, “Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word.”

Lies are essential for the soul that can’t bear up under the truth. When we can’t face the fact that we’ve defended murder, we have to continue to fight for it, ignore it, twist it,…

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