A family seeking justice from a botched FBI raid will have their day in court. It’s not their first time, but it’s the biggest time: The Supreme Court has agreed to take up the case.
Curtrina Martin and her family were resting peacefully in their home when the FBI rushed in, threw a flash grenade, and arrested her then-fiancee Hilliard Toi Cliatt. The whole episode traumatized Martin, Cliatt, and Martin’s seven-year-old son.
The FBI had the wrong house. In fact, they weren’t even on the right street. The house they were looking for was 3741 Landau Lane, while Martin’s home address was 3756 Denville Trace. According to Google Maps, the addresses were over 450 feet apart. The FBI says they used a GPS device that allegedly misled them.
The agent in charge, Lawrence Guerra, realized after traumatizing Martin’s family that Martin did not match the physical