Here’s a little history on barbaric medical experiments that you probably weren’t taught in school. In the early 1950s, lobotomies were having something of a heyday in the United States.
Approximately 50,000 lobotomies were performed in just a couple of years. Doctors were eager to drill holes into people’s skulls and carve out brain matter. But the United States was an outlier in this regard. Elsewhere in the world, around the same time, lobotomies were being outlawed. The Soviet Union banned lobotomies in 1950, with officials saying the practice was “contrary to the principles of humanity” because it turned people into, “idiots.” Soon afterwards, countries like Germany and Japan followed suit with their own bans on lobotomies. But the United States never implemented a similar ban of its own. To this day, there is no federal decree banning lobotomies — even though…