Prosecutors Who ‘Follow the Science’ Fail to Decrease Crime
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Prosecutors Who ‘Follow the Science’ Fail to Decrease Crime

“Follow the science” is a common chorus among progressives. But often they, not those they moralize against, are the real science deniers.

Take progressive prosecutors. Many, like George Gascon in Los Angeles, tout their soft-on-crime policies as “data driven” or “scientifically backed.”

Yet this is a complete hoax. These prosecutors cite studies that are misleading, non-replicable, non-peer-reviewed, or entirely disproven.

But the most damning proof that they are science deniers, not science followers, is the simple fact that crime, especially violent crime, has risen dramatically in their jurisdictions.

Of course, none of this has stopped them—and their media cheerleaders—from repeating the “data and science” incantation ad nauseum.

The problem isn’t the use of data or science to support prosecutorial policies. District attorneys have…

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