News Busters

Trump Base Will ‘Turn Quickly’ Against Him in 6-8 Months

Jonathan Kott Brad Todd CNN This Morning 2-5-25 On CNN This Morning, Jonathan Kott, a DC lobbyist and former aide to senators Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), predicted that Trump supporters will give him six to eight months, but then “turn quickly” on him when the improvements in their lives he promised don’t materialize.

That’s soothing speculation for CNN’s base, but Kott’s powers of prognostication have a questionable track record. Less than two months before the 2024 election, here’s what Kott, in a Fox News appearance, predicted:

“I think voters are still getting to know Kamala Harris. And she’s introducing herself. And the more she does, the more they like her, and the more her poll numbers come up. I’d be worried if I was Donald Trump.” 

Contrary to Kott’s conjecture, the more voters got to know Kamala, the less they liked her. And when it turned out she was for “they/them,” and…

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