Red state

So Just Who Is the Tyrant Running Our Country? A RedState Investigation

As the new Trump administration continues to ramp up, we have been watching both the Democrats and the press losing their collective composure on a daily, near hourly, basis. Listening to the outrage-fest from the Left, one would be led to believe that all of the promised mayhem and calamitous results are already playing out, but there appears to be a curious facet to the hysteria. 

The blame for who is behind this continues shifting. The anger in the press has been inflexibly consistent, but they seem perpetually unsure who is responsible.

For over a year – since he announced he would be running for president again – Donald Trump has been assured to be the ruination of this nation. Every promised nefarious result has been listed, ad infinitum: the death of democracy, the end of free elections, the shredding of the Constitution, fascist state rule, and even…

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