News Busters

Politico’s Response to Government Funding Allegations: Transparency Debated

Politico issued an emergency “Note to Our Readers” on Thursday about evidence uncovered by Team Doge that Politico has been paid at least $8 million indirectly via high priced government agency subscriptions to its Politico Pro service.

Bizarrely in the entire note the agency at the center of the scandal dares not mention its name. Yes, you will not see the word “USAID” even once in the note issued by Politico’s CEO Goli Sheikholeslami and Global Editor-in-Chief John F. Harris.

The damage control starts with the subtitle of the emergency note: “POLITICO has been the subject of debate on X this week. Some of it has been misinformed, and some of it has been flat-out false. Let’s set the record straight.”

“Misinformed” as in Hunter Biden Laptop misinformed which was perpetrated as flat out election interference in Politico in October 2020?

And now the flurry…

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