News Busters

NewsBusters Podcast: Don't Question Extremely Expensive Subscriptions!

The scandal that could be called “Subscription-gate” involves government agencies paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for a media service like “Politico Pro.” But Politico claims they’ve never taken government funds, like it doesn’t make “Politico Pro.” Come on, bro.

Elon Musk’s brigade upending the U.S. International Agency for Development has caused major freakouts in the national media, which can only lead the average conservative American to guess this was a story the Left never wanted to get out. 

Joseph Vazquez found a deeply flawed “fact check” at The Dispatch titled  “Claims That Politico Received USAID Funds Are False.” Even the fact checker acknowledged government money was buying “an energy and environment publication it produces—totaling $44,000 over two years.”

Politico’s leaders issued a remarkably dishonest statement: 

POLITICO is a privately owned…

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