News Busters

New Yorker Editor Freaks That Trump Will Turn America Into Russia

Jon Stewart and John Oliver’s claim that America has entered its “monarchy era” under President Donald Trump may not have been the craziest moment from Monday’s edition of The Daily Show on Comedy Central. Instead it might have been New Yorker editor David Remnick’s claim that the country is at risk of turning into Vladimir Putin’s Russia because of the relationship between Trump and his billionaire supporters.

Remnick began by declaring, “This is what is new between the first Trump term and the second term. I lived for four years in the Soviet Union, in the last years of the Soviet Union, and then kept coming back. Now I can’t go anymore for obvious reasons.”



After some banter about why he wasn’t allowed back in Russia, Remnick got back to his point:

I was a reporter for the Washington Post, and, you know, I was coming to a place…

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