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Tyrannical, Power Hungry Judges Attempt To Seize Total Control Of The Government

Whenever a new administration takes over the White House, a lot of major changes are obviously going to take place. I’ve covered many of these changes already in the past few weeks, Trump’s executive orders and so on. But there are also some minor changes that no one really talks about, even though they may have symbolic significance.

In particular, one of the first moves Trump made when he first took office, back in 2017, was to install a portrait of Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office. Jackson was a war hero who served in both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, when he led American troops to a historic victory in New Orleans. Jackson was also a populist who wanted the United States to expand and grow its borders because he believed it would benefit the average American. And so, for four years, Jackson’s portrait remained in the Oval Office.

Then, the minute he became…

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