Hot Air

It’s Your Own Damn Fault, Liberals – HotAir

A lot of liberals are howling about the spending cuts. And once in a blue moon, they seem to have a point, if not often. 

As DOGE sifts through the spending and Trump uses a wrecking ball on the federal budget, every once in a while, you have to wince, if not for the spending being cut, but for the suddenness. People are losing their jobs, having their lives upended, and programs they expected to be there suddenly evaporating. 

Most of the sob stories are fake or somewhat exaggerated–I wrote yesterday about how a USAID grantee locked the doors on their hospital leaving some people dead or dying for no other reason than to make a political point. They had the money and were eligible for a waiver, but they decided to quit treating patients with no warning. 

That’s on them. It’s called “hostage taking,” in which a government or organization imposes enormous…

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