Although many in the MSM seemingly can’t let the idea of a third Trump term go – and, hilariously, please note that the author here doesn’t even mention that Trump’s age in 2028 will be 81 – Donald Trump has run his last race for the U.S. Presidency.
From now on, Trump is playing for other things besides reelection. He is playing to advance his agenda; to maintain his influence with his party and the country; and to get his approved successor elected (presumably Vice President Vance, but we will see).
Which leads me to lessons he, as a Republican, needs to learn from the last Republican president to serve two terms in the White House, George W. Bush.
Starting in 2005, I had a medium-level seat in the U.S. Senate to observe President Bush and his second term. It was not a pretty sight. Bush’s political mistakes made his polling drop almost…