News Busters

PBS “On Democracy” Series Analyzes Trump’s Autocratic Tendencies in Second Term

The online title to the latest “On Democracy” segment on Monday’s PBS News Hour gave away the slant of the newly hatched series – fear porn to attract liberal viewers during the second Trump Administration: “How the start of Trump’s second term looks like some autocracies.”

Anchor Geoff Bennett: President Trump’s social media post over the weekend, “He who saves his country does not violate any law,” implying that he is above the law, triggered alarm bells from experts who were already concerned about the legal and constitutional boundaries tested in President Trump’s first few weeks in office.

The “experts” for liberal media are liberals that are never described as liberals. 

PBS’s guest fear-spreader on Monday evening was professor Kim Lane Scheppele of Princeton University, who “studies the rise and fall of democratic governments….”…

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