Hot Air

Enough With ‘People of Color’ Already! – HotAir

The term, that is, not the people themselves. And it’s also time to dump “BIPOC,” argues Jerel Ezell, a UC Berkeley professor, in yesterday’s edition of Politico Magazine. Not only are these offensively reductive, Ezell argues, but clearly counter-productive … to Democrats, anyway. 

Ezell, who also runs an organization called the “Center for Cultural Humility,” diagnoses the insistence of Democrats in dividing the world between “white” and “not white” as one of their key failures in 2024. Despite their many arguments for “diversity,” the terms POC and BIPOC actively disregard the diverse populations that Democrats try to array against whites in America. And those voters are increasingly sick of it, Ezell argues, as well as the other labels that Academia-drenched elites keep trying to use:

Last month, in the televised moments leading up to President Donald…

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