Red state

San Francisco’s Pelosi Federal Building on the Chopping Block – RedState

The Trump team it doing all they can to cut costs. Among the things they are doing evaluating the buildings they own and seeing which are being productive and which are not. Then they’re selling those that are not. 

So it seems very appropriate to tell you that one of the buildings that they are now trying to sell is the Speaker Nancy Pelosi Federal Building on 7th Street in San Francisco. They are also trying to sell 50 United Nations Plaza in San Francisco, as well as a building in San Bruno.

Now, when I heard the news, I had to admit I laughed and thought how symbolic — selling something that wasn’t productive. Among the things the building has contained is Nancy Pelosi’s district office.

The Trump administration says it will save money by avoiding maintenance on the buildings, selling the properties, then leasing office space for federal workers.


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